Performance Uniquess Reliability Accuracy
Founded in 2009, PURA GOLF is a professional club fitting service centre with the sole purpose to recommend the profession of custom fitting, building and repairing of golf clubs located at the Central business district. It is in the business of helping golfers enjoy themselves by realizing their true potential. Practice is important but practice does not necessarily make perfect.
PURA GOLF's mission statement is a dedication to being the most accurate, knowledgeable and innovative Custom Fitting source anywhere. Thus, we use the most accurate and state of the art technology available.
PURA GOLF 於2009年成立, 是一所位於中上環商業區的專業高爾夫球球捍量身定製中心。 這個1,500平方英尺, 位於一樓掛滿各高球品牌的工作坊, 不難吸引一群高球愛好者。我們每人對高球運動充滿熱誠, 希望令每位均能發揮最爆炸性的球技。 練習是成功的因素, 但並非全部!
為對高球運動藝術的精神致敬, 我們不斷引入高科技儀器, 獨特的產品, PURA GOLF 深信要為客人專心致力提供最先進及最完善的高球科技分折測試, 務求令客人的高球技術, 潛力發揮得更好。